Yazar: admin
Anasayfa » Yazar admin (2. Sayfa )
BORU/PIPE FLANŞ/FLANGE DELİKLER/HOLES DESTEK/BEAM AĞIRLIK/WEIGHT (kg) DN d1 D d5 b k n saplama/stud bolts d2 d3 d4 h1 flanş/flange ring 10 17,2 90 21 14 60 4 M12 14 18 40 12 0,599 0,087 15 21,3 95 25 14 65 4 M12 14 22 45 12 0,689 0,105 20...
BORU/PIPE FLANŞ/FLANGE DELİKLER/HOLES DESTEK/BEAM AĞIRLIK/WEIGHT(kg) DN d1 D d5 b k n saplama/stud bolts d2 d3 d4 h17 flanş/flange ring 10 17,2 90 21 14 60 4 M12 14 18 40 12 0,696 0,104 15 21,3 95 25 14 65 4 M12 14 22 45 12 0,773 0,126 20 26,9...
BORU/PIPE FLANŞ/FLANGE DELİKLER/HOLES DESTEK/BEAM AĞIRLIK/WEIGHT (kg) DN d1 D d5 b k n saplama/stud bolts d2 d3 d4 h1 flanş/flange ring 10 17,2 90 21 14 60 4 M12 14 18 40 12 0,696 0,104 15 21,3 95 25 14 65 4 M12 14 22 45 12 0,773 0,126 20...
BORU/PIPE FLANŞ/FLANGE DELİKLER/HOLES DESTEK/BEAM AĞIRLIK/WEIGHT(kg) DN d1 D d5 b k n saplama/stud bolt d2 d3 d4 h1 flanş/flange ring 10 17,2 90 21 14 60 4 M12 14 18 40 12 0,696 0,104 15 21,3 95 25 14 65 4 M12 14 22 45 12 0,773 0,126 20 26,9...
BORU/PIPE FLANŞ/FLANGE BOYUN/HUB DIAMETER ALIN ÇIKTISI/RAISED FACE DELİKLER/HOLES AĞIRLIK/WEIGHT DN R D b k h d3 d4 f n saplama d2 kg 10 R 3/8″ 90 16 60 22 30 40 2 4 M12 14 0,544 15 R ½” 95 16 65 22 35 45 2 4 M12 14 0,613...
Baraj ve nehir tipi hidroelektrik santrallerinde suyu belli bir yükseklikten düşürmek için kullanılan borudur. Basınçlı suyun yolunu ve yönünü belirler. Yükseklikten dolayı büyük basınçlara maruz kalır. Genellikle çelik boru kullanılır ve devasa boyutlara sahip olabilir. Cebri boru sonrası, su tribünlere girerek elektrik üretilir.
You’re making a mistake. You have no idea what’s really going on. What is really going on? I can’t tell you. Then why should I trust you? Why? You’re you. That’s all I need to know. No! Don’t do it! Leela, are you crazy? and jail-breakers to stop him. And...
You’re making a mistake. You have no idea what’s really going on. What is really going on? I can’t tell you. Then why should I trust you? Why? You’re you. That’s all I need to know. No! Don’t do it! Leela, are you crazy? and jail-breakers to stop him. And...
You’re making a mistake. You have no idea what’s really going on. What is really going on? I can’t tell you. Then why should I trust you? Why? You’re you. That’s all I need to know. No! Don’t do it! Leela, are you crazy? and jail-breakers to stop him. And...
You’re making a mistake. You have no idea what’s really going on. What is really going on? I can’t tell you. Then why should I trust you? Why? You’re you. That’s all I need to know. No! Don’t do it! Leela, are you crazy? and jail-breakers to stop him. And...